What Does Pakistan Export To Canada: Overview & Facts

By Remitbee - Nov 2, 2022

Pakistan and Canada are both active members of the United Nations; therefore, they are likely to develop bilateral ties. They established diplomatic ties in 1947, and each country has a high commission to represent it.

The import and export trade between the two countries is one of the relationships that the two countries share., Canada is Pakistan's twenty-first largest export partner, that is according to a report by the Pakistan Business Council. We'll concentrate on what Pakistan exports to Canada in this article.

Pakistan Exports To Canada

According to the Government of Canada, Pakistan's exports to Canada in 2021 reached $544,017,629. Pakistani exports to Canada increased by 24 % in 2021, according to a tweet from the Canadian high commission in Pakistan.

"#DYK Canada-Pakistan trade exceeded CAD$1.25 billion in 2021. Canadian exports to Pakistan, which include edible oil seeds, pulses, and lumber, increased by 6%. Pakistan exports to Canada, including leather goods, apparel, and textiles, increased by 24%"

The above statement shows a high level of Pakistan's and Canada's bilateral and political ties.

The products that Pakistan exported to Canada in 2021 are in the table below.

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Conditions When Exporting Goods From Pakistan

Before you export some products from Pakistan to Canada, you should know the following conditions. The federal government and, in some cases, the provincial government impose these conditions (s).

  1. You must first determine whether the products you wish to export from Pakistan to Canada are allowed under the Import and Export Permits Act. Wheat, barley, steel, weapons, farm-supply managed products (eggs, turkey, chicken, dairy), textiles, and clothes are some of the goods covered by the Act.
  2. Some products must adhere to provincial regulations. Liquor is an example of such a product. Before customs can clear wine and beer, you must receive approval from the appropriate liquor commission.
  3. Under the Customs Tariff, a small number of products, such as hate literature, are prohibited. International sanctions have also resulted in the ban of some products.
  4. Most items are also subject to customs charges and the GST, which the Customs Tariff levies.
  5. Private certification is necessary for some products. Before you can use electrical appliances and equipment in Canada, they must be certified by a recognized certifying body. You can look for the bodies authorized to certify on the Standards Council of Canada website.
  6. Some products are subject to restrictions imposed by the federal government. Motor vehicles, for example, must meet emission control regulations, while food and agricultural goods must pass health and safety checks.

If the products you intend to export match the above criteria, you can export them.

What You Need Before Exporting To Canada?

Before exporting any items to Canada, you must first meet the following requirements:

International Import Certificate

An International Import Certificate is a document that certifies that the Canadian government has granted permission for the importation of specified items into Canada for the indicated end-use and end-user.

The country from which you are exporting will require this certificate before issuing an export permit or license. A Canadian applicant acquires the certificate and gives a copy to their Pakistani supplier, who will use it to apply for a foreign export permit.

On the EXCOL home page,spx) you can apply for an International Import Certificate online. On the [Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Canada website], paper applications are also accessible.

When sending your application for an import permit include the following information;

  1. The number of items in each product and, if appropriate, the unit of measurement.
  2. In Canada, you must specify the end-use and end-user of the goods.

Where applicable, use the brand names, part numbers, serial numbers, and model to describe the goods adequately. You should avoid technical phrases, broad terms, and trade names that do not appropriately define the goods.

You must also provide the currency you will use for value and the total quantity of units you intend to export.

Import Permits

When applying, familiarize yourself with the requirements.

If you are applying as a customs broker, you will need the following:

  1. You'll need to apply for an EIPA file number, which you can get from the (EIPA) File Number.
  2. You'll need to fill out the Import/Export Permit EXT 1466 application form.
  3. The Export and Import Permits and Certificates Fees Order charges a fee for each permit or certificate. Depending on the total worth of the goods imported, expect to pay anywhere from $15 to $31 per permit.
  4. You will require an individual import permit for each shipment.
  5. Import licenses are typically provided with a 30-day validity term around the arrival date requested by importers.

When you are not using a customs broker:

  1. Send your application to Global Affairs Canada by facsimile or email.
  2. Fill out the Import/Export Permit EXT 1466 application form.
  3. A cheque for the amount corresponding to the total value of goods. For each permit, you request, submit a cheque payable to the 4—Receiver-General of Canada. You can still request to pay using a monthly billing system.
  4. You will receive the permit using the method specified in your application once the payment is confirmed.


Commodities have been exported from Pakistan to Canada for a long time. We expect that the trading relations between the two countries will continue to get better.

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