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International gift cards

How does RemitBee's gift card feature work?
What types of gift cards are available through RemitBee?
Can I send gift cards to recipients in any country?
Is there a fee for using RemitBee's gift card service?
How is the gift card delivered to the recipient?
Can I schedule the delivery of the gift card for a specific date?
Are there any restrictions on who can send gift cards?
Can I receive a refund for a gift card purchase if I change my mind?
Is there a customer support available for gift card-related inquiries?
Promotions & Discounts for Frequent Gift Card Users
How do I check the status of a gift card order?
Are there any expiration dates on the gift cards?
Can I purchase gift cards for myself?
Are there any limits on the number of gift cards I can send in a day or month?
Can I send a gift card to someone without their email address?
Is there a selection of gift card denominations, or can I choose any specific amount?
How can I be sure that the recipient has received the gift card?
Is it possible to resend or cancel a gift card if the recipient does not receive it?
Can I include a specific delivery date and time for the gift card to be sent?
Is there an option to view past gift card orders and transactions?
Can I personalize the gift card with a message?